DIG DESIGN Architects and Associates

Dentist Office


This experienced dentist had been wanting to relocate his practice for a while but was having difficulty finding a suitable location. When we encountered a site that we thought might have a potential, we approached him take a look. Upon seeing it, he promptly accepted it and tasked us to design his new office.

The prominent feature of the dentistry is his own office, located on the second floor. Aside from being his work space, it is also used by his staff and guests as a rest area. A calm oasis to relax and take a break from their hectic daily routines, the cozy room also evokes a level of luxury by applying naturally sourced oil to darken the originally light toned hardwood panels.

The view from the window extends out to an adjacent patio. Protected from the neighbors with screens, the peaceful space opens up to the sky and is adorned with vegetation.